Summer 2024 Undergraduate Research Internship
[Apply Now]

HCI Tech Lab, Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, Summer 2024

Lab Introduction

As an interdisciplinary research group, we build physical/digital interactive system empowered by novel sensing/haptic technologies. In HCI Tech Lab, we aim to explore novel interactive technologies that directly benefits real-world users. Our research process generally includes:

  • Find gaps between interface/device and human
  • Bridge the gap with novel technical/social solution
  • Evaluate the solution with research methods
  • Deploy the solution with practical applications

Project Information

You’ll be participating in ongoing research projects supervised by a graduate student mentor. Please refer to this document for project scope, required skills, and benefits. Below are titles for summer projects:

  • [Project #1] Development of hand pose and force estimation model using electromyography(EMG) signal and vision
    #Sensing Technique #Multimodal #Hand Pose
  • [Project #2] Applying Muscle/Tendon Vibrations to Reduce Sensory Mismatch
    #Haptics #VR #Sensory Mismatch
  • [Project #3] Exploring for Mid-air Indirect Input Interaction by Thumb
    #Sensing Technique #Microgesture #Thumb Interaction
  • [Project #4] Wearable haptic device for cutaneous tactile feedback for VR application
    #Force Feedback #Cutaneous Feedback #Haptics #VR


  • We are looking for students who are eager to learn and build physical & digital interactive systems.
    (Looking for students from diverse backgrounds & majors)
  • We are looking for students who are ready to get their hands dirty for prototyping.
  • We are looking for students to have prototyping experience or intro-level HCI knowledge.
    (Optional, but strongly recommended)

Internship Conditions

  • Only accept students who can participate full-time (40 hours per week) while physically present in the lab.
  • Flexible start/end dates + working hours.
  • Interns will be paid & personal office space will be provided in the N5 building
  • URP is a great option for undergraduate students at KAIST
  • Prefers students who are willing to extend the internship. At the end of the internship, we will discuss extending the internship. The decision will depend on various factors (Internship progress, fit to the lab, commitment, etc).

How to Apply?

  • Apply through Google Form
  • Application Deadline: May 20, 2024 (Monday)